IMAGINATION TRAVELS WITH BARBIEAdult-targeted Paid Media Campaign
OBJECTIVE: Show parents that buying Barbie travel themed toys is perfect for summertime storytelling fun, when travel is top of mind.
THE CAMPAIGN: Along with the fun of travel comes the chaos. Catching flights, calling cars, waiting, rushing, stopping, going - add kids to the mix and stress levels go off the chart. Help ease the emotional load with Barbie! She goes where you go and keeps your kids happy and entertained each step of the way. Execution: hyperreal poptimistic scenes of real world scenarios. Each scene is designed to transport the viewer into a punchy, colorful world where “stressful” situations become humorous, drenched in Barbie pop-timism.

Creative Direction: Cassandra Scholnick
Account Manager: Lisa Baca
Copywriter: Audrey Marra
Director: Heather Kasprzak
Producer: Natalie Masciale
DP: Shan Liljestrand
Editor: Gary Chan
Photographer: Rafael Ortega
Camera Assist: Brett Ziegler, Ed Cass
1st AC: Jen Pawlowski
2nd AC: John Davis
Gaffer: Jose Ibarra
Key Grip: Sal Mousavi
Best Boy Grip: CJ Colace
Best Boy Electric: Vince Valentin
Best Boy Grip: Zach Domingo
Product Stylist: Tula Nowlan
Production Designer: Sean Genrich
Set Builder: Dustin Ruegger
Set Dresser: Kyle Baker
Sound Mixer: Johnny Karlsson
Stage Manager: JJ Hommel
HMU: Autumn Sanders
Wardrobe: Hannah Anderson
Set PA’s: Aaron Lorick, Saris Ahmed